Based in Bournville

“Based in Bournville” is our new online directory for businesses which are based locally, here in Bournville, made to help support the community.
Independent and small businesses have taken a huge hit over the past year and we want to be able to give back to the community by doing what we do best, signposting. So with this in mind “Based In Bournville” will be running free of charge and be managed and run by Bournville Village Council volunteers in their free time.

This part of our website will enable you to find out about people running their business from our lovely little village in order to to support them not only through purchases but by simply being able to follow their presence online and keep up to date with what their doing easily, not just during christmas but throughout the year.

The Carillon Visitor Centre

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  3. The Carillon Visitor Centre
Bournville Green, Sycamore Road, Bournville, Bournville B30 2AA

Selling an eclectic range of arts and crafts, some made locally, along with books and recordings relating to Bournville and the carillon.

A minimum of 20% of all proceeds from shop sales goes to supporting carillon activities and promotion.

Contact Information
Phone: 07986 552 770

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